Start..Connect..Impact || GEW2024 is back on 9th of November

GEW2024 , IEC general
During one week each November, thousands of events and competitions in 160 countries inspire millions to engage in entrepreneurial activity while connecting them to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors. The initiative is supported by dozens of world leaders and a network of more than 15,000 partner organizations. [caption id="attachment_251" align="aligncenter" width="386"] Moneera Yassin, IEC re-presenter[/caption] GEW Sudan will take place from the 9th to the 19th of November and will include a large number of activities and events held at different locations which will target several sectors of the community through which we hope to attract more participants, spread awareness, raise potential, and best of all, build skills and empower our society in order to build a real ecosystem of entrepreneurs, investors, innovators and job creators. GEW Sudan is
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